
Experiences – This Time it’s Not for Them

Have you ever done something with your kids and after someone said, “why are you doing that?” “They are too young.” “They won’t remember the experience anyway.” Well, chances are pretty good the person who said that is the same person who says, “I know exactly what you mean because I have a dog.”

First, restrain yourself. It will do you no good if you give them the laundry list of reasons their dog is not at all like having a kid. After you calm down, you can politely say:

“I am doing it for me.”

Sure, they may be too young to remember it. Believe me, they absorb what’s going on around them. These experiences add to the foundation of who they become. That being said, show them the world and what it has to offer.

Let’s be honest.

Pretty much everything we do is for our kids. So don’t feel strange when you want to take your kids along to a game, a concert or (if your me) Walt Disney World at an early age. It’s called bonding time and it’s amazing. The memories you will have of the experiences are something you will always have to look back on and smile.

So, get out there.

Ok, but first, what should you think about when taking your new travel companion along?


You should keep a couple things to keep in mind when taking the little monster to a game.

The first thing is the venue. Are you inside or outside? If your outside, what is the weather like? Need a coat or sunscreen? Also, no matter the sport, stadiums tend to lack baby changing tables altogether. Even the ones that do tend to be pretty gross or broken. Recently stadiums have at least one “family” or “companion” restroom, locate it and use it. Trust me, it is helpful.


A lot of the same things come in to play like the venue, weather, and changing table accessibility. There one more big thing to consider at a concert – noise! When you are making that ticket purchase think about the type of music and what volume it will be played at.

I am the last person to ever tell someone they shouldn’t take their little rockstar to a show of any kind. However, you should keep in mind that hearing damage is a thing. It can start happening on day one.

Thankfully, there are some products out there to help combat this issue.

  • The Hush Hat (3 Mugs out of 5) is a great way to limit some of the noise and soften the higher tones. Bonus: it’s also pretty great for baby nap time while you are trying to get some chores done around the house.
  • BB & Pro noise-canceling headphones (3 mugs and a pint). This one is great for loud events. For whatever reason babies aren’t bothered by them. The only real downside, they are pretty bulky for baby to wear around outside of an event.

Walt Disney World (& All Other Disney Theme Parks)

While I could go on and on about the tips and tricks of taking little ones to Disney, I will refrain for now. The biggest thing to consider is how many times you will go while your kids are still little.

Why? Well, if this is a once in a lifetime thing then plan to go when the kids are a bit older (5-8 years). They are independent (no stroller), they will love it, and they really will remember it.

If this is a trip you will take a few times with your family, do not hesitate because you have a little one now. I  never guessed how great of an experience it was to take a 1-year-old to Disney World. The excitement and joy in that little body is a memory I will keep for a lifetime. It is one of the greatest feelings in the world to watch my tiny human shake with excitement when “Don Duck” came strolling by in the parade.

The big deal about enjoying experiences with your little one is this – it may not be the easiest or most convenient way to do things BUT it will be a memory you will have forever.

Your little ones are only little for a bit. It’s easy to sit back and watch them grow up. It’s a lot more fun to be involved and help them grow up. Wouldn’t it be great if they became an even better adult because of the memories you helped them to gain?