
Why You Should Travel With Kids

Travel with kids

Why you should travel with kids.

“Experiencing the world through second-hand information isn’t enough. If we want authenticity we have to initiate it. We will never know our full potential unless we push ourselves to find it.” – Travis Rice.

I have often used this quote when I talk about travel. Until recently I had never thought of it in terms of how I raise my daughter. Too many times there are children plopped in front of a TV and only given experiences through the eyes of another person or character. This is not to say that TV shows and phone apps don’t have their place. But, there is an education that comes from experiences that far exceeds anything an electronic device can deliver. That is why you should travel with kids.

I have been fortunate in my life. I have found a significant other who believes in travel the same way I do. From the moment we found out our party of two was growing, we began to have discussions about how we would continue to travel. All while raising a kid to enjoy doing the same. Within a few months of our little explorers life we learned there are plenty of reason we should get our kids traveling.

Why should we get our kids traveling?

Traveling can make their dreams a reality. Depending on their age it can be easy for them to think the places they hear about in stories are limited to their imagination. Imagine their surprise when the castles they dreamt of come to life in the hills of a German vacation.

New Food

Traveling will expose them to new foods and the stories behind them. Have you ever had Maine blueberries? Turns out those are my daughters favorite. It’s an amazing opportunity for our kids to learn the food they are used to at home come from somewhere else. Learn that the mac and cheese they eat all the time is adapted from the homemade pasta and and aged cheeses of another country. Also, don’t forget the exposure to new textures. We all know how children love texture.

New Language

With new cultures comes new languages. There is something to be gained rather it be exposure to an entirely new language or just accents of a new region. Children are much more open to and adaptable to new languages than adults. There is a good chance, given the opportunity, they will be teaching you bits of the language by the end of the trip.

New Culture

Rather you out of the state or out of the country, there are bound to be cultural differences. While traveling with kids, expose them to these differences. Help them learn the customs of a new culture, should they greet with a kiss, a bow, or shake hands? Take your kid to the local market, to the town festival, or a local sporting event. Expose them to the different music, smells, noises. If your fortunate to be traveling around holidays, let them experience the local celebration. Culture is rooted in traditions, many surround holidays!

New Experiences

The experiences we choose to take part in while on vacation can also make a difference. It is easy to fall into the tourist attractions. I challenge you to get out of this routine and seek the places the locals enjoy. Not only does this usually come with better food and drinks, it will also open up the door to a different experience than everyone else. You never know what you may find when you get off the beaten path.

Letting our kids get outside of their comfort zone can be one of the most rewarding experiences. Make time to let your kids explore each new location and experience the culture. From discovering not everyone speaks the same language, to finding out there is a national sport they have never heard of, there is so much to learn. Why would we ever want to limit our view of the world to pictures and videos of someone else’s experience? Don’t let your authenticity of an experience include a middle man. Your entire family will be better for it.