
Change the Way We Change Diapers: 5 Public Diaper Change Methods

Change the way we change diapers, 5 public diaper change methods

I had a dad the other day tell me “I don’t change diapers.” I physically laughed out loud. Sure the diaper change is probably one of the least favorite parts about having a baby. But, that does not mean we get to not do it. Having a baby is a team effort. Not only does it take two people to make a baby, it also takes two people to raise a baby. If not more.

Generally, as a group of dads we seem to do all right with the social norm of sharing responsibility in the baby raising department. But for some reason businesses seem to still be stuck “back in the day.” I can go into a group of 10 randomly selected stores and at least five of them will not have a changing table in the men’s room. However, my wife can go into 10 randomly selected stores and find a changing table in at least eight out of 10. So why is it that we, men, have established the ability to change a baby just as frequently as our female counterpart but businesses have to make it harder on us to do so?

I may not be able to answer this question. But, I can help you with different public diaper change methods..

5 Public Diaper Change Methods

  1. A Changing Table. Sure a changing table is available now and then so when it is not broken beyond use or disgusting, this can be a life saver. Most of these tables come with a strap so you can tie your kids down, at least I assume that’s what it’s for. personally I do not use it. I feel when your kids are tiny they’re manageable in their movement. And when they are older I have learned my own dad style WWE moves to pin my kids from spinning into their own diaper disaster. Make sure to bring a changing pad – don’t get suckered into the high priced ones with fancy characters – go for ones like these.
  2. Standing. Standing diaper changes are a lot like the lottery. Sometimes your kid stands perfectly still sometimes they don’t. If they do, you can change them, it’s clean, it’s fast, and you’re done. Off the stall floor in a matter of seconds. The other times when your kid wants to show you their new ninja moves they learned at daycare. Suddenly what was a contained mess is now on everything. However, if you start early in their lives with the standing diaper change it become part of the routine. These tend to work better than most other options and you can be in and out much faster, and cleaner.
  3. The Stroller. If you have a stroller, your in luck. It is basically a mobile changing station. You should have no problem finding a quiet place to do the dirty deed of changing that stink bomb of a kid. If you have a wiggler, or worse, a kid that doesn’t like laying down – after all my kid views laying down as surrendering to nap time – try rolling them on their stomach and giving them a toy to play with.
  4. The Car. Most of the time we don’t have the luxury of a closed door. Let’s be honest diaper changes don’t come at a convenient time, especially the blowouts. So we have to MacGyver our changing location. Depending on the vehicle you drive there are different spot in the car that seem to work better than others. For instance trucks and SUVs you can just open up the back. Hell there’s a full size bed back there that will work better then any changing table you could find. However, if you drive a car the trunk is probably not a great option. Both for size and what it will look like you’re doing your child to anyone who is watching. But on that same note the backseat is not always the greatest option either. You tend to have carseats and all of your other crap back there. The driver seat, although probably empty, does have a steering wheel in the way if you are not a small person. So this leads us back to the passenger seat. If you combine that with the standing diaper change you suddenly have not only a convenient place to change the diaper but also four doors to contain the wild child.
  5. Wall Sits. Last but definitely not least, a wonderful wall sit/squat diaper change. This one takes some skill and a little bit of flexibility. For those times when you have run into the bathroom and found no changing table but you have a steamy load awaiting your attention. You are stuck with a the lack of resources, so you jump in the larger handicap stall. These are almost always located at the very end where there is a solid wall on at least one side. This is where you can lean against squat down and create a changing table out of your lap. This is nobody’s favorite way to change a diaper. And, yes it does sometimes, depending on your skill level, require an outfit change of your own. But as a last resort it is an option.

There has been a lot of talk recently about the difference in men’s restroom not having changing table versus the women’s bathroom. I don’t think it is on purpose. It has just been the norm for so long that it has stuck around in the mind of business owners. So let’s start making a move in the right direction. Let these companies know they need some resources for dad. Let us know who your seeing out there and lets make things a little easier for the next dad.