
Life Change | Tips for Parenting Through a Life Change

Life Change

Life Change With a Diap Change

As though having a baby is not life-changing enough. There always tend to be some other large moment in a family’s life not too long after you bring a new human into the world. This is not always your decision and sometimes it just happens. So whether it be a job change (by choice or not), a house change, or some other major life event there are a few things to keep in mind when going through a major life change with a kid in the house.


A routine is something we have put into them for good reason from day one. A change in routine is going to throw off their relationship with how the world should work right off the bat. This is not saying you should not make these changes if they are the right thing for your family. Just keep in mind a routine is be disrupted and patience is key. Also getting on a new routine will be key to transition success.

Take is slow

It can be easy as an adult to move through life changes at the pace that’s comfortable for yourself. Even more so at the pace that you feel is comfortable for your family. For some people that’s faster than others. For kids it’s slow. So start making the changes well in advance. When the change comes it will affect everyone different. However, if you start early you can move into a routine a little at a time and allow the kids to re-adjust to the new routine at their own pace.

Talk often

If your kids are a little bit older and have the ability to understand what is happening, it can be helpful to explain. Not only what is happening but why it is happening. Our kids are not as oblivious as we sometimes assume. They have a sense, especially around the big stuff, of what is happening in our house. However, they are not necessarily privy to the conversations we have with our spouses to explain what is happening. That being said they do not have all of the details of the situation. They don’t need all the details, we don’t need to overwhelm them. However, giving them the necessary details can help them to process the change as well.

Little Kid Big Power

Depending on the age of your kids it can be beneficial to let them make some choices in the way things operate in the new routine. What may seem like a minor detail to us may appear to them as a large, incredibly helpful, family decision. Especially when they feel they have a say in how things are going to run like an adult. So whether it be what times they are going to get up in the morning, what time they’re going to do their homework in the evening, or what chores they are going to help accomplish around the house letting them have a decision in the matter will help them get on board with the new changes.

I have heard it said in the past that no parent of a child under the age of three should make any major life decision. This is justified in the lack of sleep the average parent of a one, two, or three-year-old gets.

However, this is not always possible and sometimes life decision cannot wait. So as someone who has gone through a large life change with a toddler in tow take these tips with a grain of salt and no not everything works for everyone. Cheers to you and your new adventure. You’re doing great.