
Tag: lessons learned

Diaper bags for dads

Diaper Bags for Dads

When we take our kids anywhere there are certain things that have to come with us. There are the obvious basics like diapers and snacks. Then there are the things our individual kids need for instance a favorite toy or blanket. All of this stuff adds up pretty quick. Welcome the diaper bag. It is…
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baby covered in mud - being a dad sucks

Being A Dad Sucks

How great could being a dad actually be? I mean, let’s face it; between grunts of exhaustion, the only thing your coworkers can manage to say about parenthood is how their kids wrecked something else. From the living room lamp to the plans they made with their friends–it seems kids break everything. Well, I’m here…
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Little girl petting black dog while on a couch

Introducing dog to baby

We love our kids and we love our dogs. Heck before our human kids came along our pets were top dog (definitely pun intended). But, what do we do when it comes time to introduce our human children to our slightly furrier ones? A baby coming into the house is a giant change for your…
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The Five Lessons Learned from Being a Dad

Although there are thousands of lessons learned, here are my top five lessons learned from being a dad. Anything you thought you did to prepare for having a baby was not as beneficial as you thought. I have said it before and I will say it again, owning a dog is nothing like having a…
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