
Packing a Diaper Bag Like A Dad: 13 Diaper Bag Must-Haves

Packing a diaper bag like a dad: 13 Diaper Bag Must-Haves

There is a clear difference when my wife packs the diaper bag and when I do it. I’m not even going to go into the neat organization of the bag when she does it. I fell like if everything makes it into the bag we are off on the right foot. Here is my recommendation for packing a diaper bag like a dad.

13 Diaper Bag Must-Haves:

  1. Diapers. Obviously, this is the biggest thing to remember to pack. At the same time, it is the easiest one to assume is already in the bag. I am already sick of counting the number of time I’ve had to make an emergency diaper stop. Moral of the story is double check the bag. Protect yourself from the later conversation of having to tell your wife she was right.
  2. Wipes. Lots of them! Because every public outing comes with a blowout diaper explosion. I’m not sure why – it’s just a fact.
  3. Sippy Cup. Whether you use it for water, milk, or that terrible prune juice/Pedialite concoction you came up with for the constipated baby, a sippy cup is a key weapon in the diaper bag arsenal. (Pro Tip: Spend a little extra on the Camelback and get a stainless steel cup for a longer chill).
  4. Horizon Milk Boxes. These felt like a James Bond weapon when I found them. They come in perfect serving size with a straw, they don’t have to be chilled, and they come in a six-pack like many of our other favorite things. (Pro Tip: Bring a sippy cup. If your kids are like mine and like to squeezing the box or enjoy the mess of blowing bubbles.)
  5. Extra Clothes. I talked before about how letting kids get dirty is way easier than the fight of trying to keep them clean.  Sometimes the comedy of watching a baby play in a puddle makes it too hard to stop them from destroying their clothes. This being said, pack an extra outfit. Plus if you are going to be getting in the car to head home around bedtime pack the jammies. Then you don’t have to pull a Mission Impossible move to get from the car to the bed when they pass out on the way home.
  6. Personal Protective Equipment. Depending on how many extra outfits you threw in the bag it is probably a good idea to also grab a couple bibs. Your baby’s personal protective equipment will save what clothing it can!
  7. Snacks Galore! Bringing a variety of snacks can be a game changer when it comes to keeping the kids happy. Picking the right snacks can also mean they have some to share with you. Our favorite sucker company, Zollipops, just rolled out a line of taffy that rivals all other taffy companies; bonus – it’s good for you.
  8. Toys/Distractors. Whether it’s in the form of crayons/coloring pages, figurines, toy cars, or for those long hauls the Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet (the kid’s edition is life changing), or just coasters from bars bring some distractions for the little ones. Sometimes you just need these so you can get through dinner without having to play chase.

    Then there are those little pockets in diaper bags that need love too.

  9. The Dad Stuff. Advil, chapstick, anything you may need to survive the outing.
  10. Diaper Rash Cream. Because catching the rash early is the secret to getting through it before bedtime so everyone can sleep.
  11. Phone Charger. Easily forgotten but greatly missed when you need it. Keep an extra in the bag and save yourself the headache later.
  12. First Aid Kit. They make little ones of these and they are a good thing to keep in the bag. Especially if your kids are of the toddler variety and are into climbing everything. (Pro Tip: Remove the boring tan bandaids and replace with fun character ones, boo-boo crisis averted).
  13. Wallet. Last but certainly not least is your wallet. Because if all else fails you can always bust out the credit card and start fresh!
I realize it can be a pain to carry anything extra beyond the kid themselves. But in the case of the diaper bag, you will be much happier that you over packed than you will be when you are digging around in there for a diaper.


One Response

  1. Latisha says:

    No two people are alike. I’m impressed that you are even willing to pack the diaper bag! Keep being an awesome and caring dad!

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