
Fall Kicks Ass

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From Michigan to Florida. Florida to Colorado. Colorado back to Michigan. Michigan to Florida. Florida Michigan. I have done some moving around the country but every time I end up right back here in the good old mitten. However, I often regret being in Michigan around January/February while I am shoveling my driveway in the freezing cold.

But there’s just something about the state it keeps bringing me back.

Every year around October I start to realize why. As the leaves start to change and the weather cools to a manageable temperature I am reminded fall in Michigan is the best place anyone could possibly be.

I’m not the only one to think Michigan falls are really the best place to be. There are plenty of travel list who put Michigan in the number one spot as well. Partner that with all the events happening in the fall season around the country and you will quickly realize: fall kicks ass.

Here’s the top reasons fall is the best time of year:

  1. Weather
    Obviously the weather is the best place to start and fall is near perfect. Fall is that time of the year where it’s no longer the hot humid summer (with the exception of a couple random days, hello Indian summer). But, it’s also not quite winter. I find that people from warm-weather states think Michiganders begin to hibernate around this time of year. They are mistaken. Fall is the time when we look ridiculous with our shorts and a sweatshirts.

  2. Food
    Fall is one of the best times for food. I like to think I’m just storing up for the winter months. But in reality it all comes with a lot of sweets. Between Cidermill doughnuts, pumpkin pie, and apple dumplings, there is a lot of growing for your waist line to do. Dig in, you got some long cold months ahead of you to be working out and getting ready for your beach body by next summer.
  3. Activities
    Fall also comes with a lot of things you can take the kids to do, and most of them do tend to be at or near a Cidermill (these tend to come with cider and donuts so who’s complaining). You can go pumpkin picking including a tractor ride to the patch. Head to your favorite orchard and leave with BUSHELS of apples. You can get lost in corn mazes, take a hayride, do some pumpkin chunkin, feed goats, and play on some new play places. Something a little more scary? Head to the hundreds of hunted houses, haunted forests, and haunted hayrides. You have something to do almost every weekend.
  4. Sports
    This is that magical time year when everything starts coming back. College football has started, the NHL is coming back, and baseball is in postseason. And, there is so much going on in the sports world your ESPN time can be endless.
  5. Travel
    This is also the best time to start picking up deals on last-minute travel. You can grab cruises for a couple weeks out from the sailing date for almost nothing. Maybe you’re not a fall person, or maybe you don’t like that the weather has cooled down. Or maybe you are just not ready for it yet. Well good news, my man, you don’t have to settle down in your shorts and sweatshirt yet. If the Caribbean is calling your name you should find your way to the tropical paradise. Bonus, these include an awesome cruise ship buffet. Send us pictures, we’re big fans of warmth in the winter.

It’s fall, time to grab your bonfire buddy and pick your fantasy draft team. So grab a box of donuts and settle in for some pumpkin carving because you have just found one of the best parts of the entire year.