
Imitation From a Child is Everything

Imitation is flattering
They say the sincerest form of flattery is imitation. And who imitates us more than our very own kids? So when it comes time at the end of the day to get home, relax and unwind maybe this is the time we bring out our role model side.
It seems like a difficult decision to play when you come home from working all day. All you want to do is sit down, watch TV and catch up on the latest happenings in social media world. It also seems the older kids get the more this is exactly what we want to do. Maybe it’s because they’re getting older and their more self-sufficient. Maybe it’s because we’re getting older and we’re tired. Either way going home after a long day to sit down and rest your feet for a bit can seem like a better idea than chasing the little one around the house.
Have you ever wondered what other people see when they look at you? I mean in reality we all feel fairly confident that what we’re doing on a daily basis is the right thing. But have you ever really wondered what is it people see in your actions every day?
Well, you can get a pretty good glimpse by taking a look at what your kids picked up from you. It wasn’t until I watched my 1.5 year-old have a very good understanding of how a phone and an iPad work before I realized how often I am on a phone and iPad.

Where Did They Learn That?

Now, I am not here to stand on a soapbox and tell you not to give your kids any screen time. I am incredibly guilty of relying on screen time when I am trying to get things done around the house. Or, just want to have a peaceful meal at a restaurant. What I am saying is be careful on your own use of things that you don’t want your kids picking up on.
This is definitely not limited to screen time. There are plenty of other things that I do on a regular basis that I hope my daughter never starts doing. For instance, I’m not much of a swearer. However, I am a storyteller. And sometimes stories need emphasis that cannot be done with the words heck, shoot, or dang. But you can bet your ass that if I swear around my two-year-old she will be repeating it within minutes, to the nearest stranger, at the top of her lungs.
Is there a better way to end your work day than with a giant bowl of ice cream? I’ll save you the time, there’s not a better way. However there is such thing as moderation. Of course as dad‘s we know what moderation means. Be careful how much ice cream you eat in front of the kids. Healthy eating and healthy living are up to your own discretion. I am not here to tell you not eat ice cream, get the large frufru coffee, or eat the extra cookies (these are my weakness. Don’t judge). But, maybe limit the intake and follow up with taking the kids on a bike ride. Show them that there is a way to have your cake and eat it too.
So whatever your vice may be, my advice to you is to limit anything you do not want your mini me to pick up. Do yourself a favor and be the person you hope they will be.