
Tag: Family

Imitation is flattering

Imitation From a Child is Everything

They say the sincerest form of flattery is imitation. And who imitates us more than our very own kids? So when it comes time at the end of the day to get home, relax and unwind maybe this is the time we bring out our role model side. It seems like a difficult decision to…
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Aunts | The Unsung Heroines

As men, especially ones of the dad variety, we like to think there’s nothing we can’t handle. And for the most part we feel fairly confident about this being the case. But there are times when there is so much going on that we cannot physically stretch ourselves far enough to cover all bases. So…
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That's Not the Baby I Wanted _ Gender Reveal Blog Header

Gender Reveal: That’s Not the Baby I Wanted

Before finding out what we were having (fingers crossed it was a human) it was no secret to our close friends and family that I was looking forward to being a dad to a little boy. When my wife mentioned she wanted to do a gender reveal, I knew there was a 50/50 chance it…
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Grandparents, 5 memory making tips

Grandparents: 5 Memory Making Tips

Even before baby is here, grandparents will start dreaming of their days with their grandchild. Most of their dreams include sugary treats, crazy activities, and all the things you never got to do with them. Depending on your personal feelings about how strictly your kids should be held to certain rules and treat consumption, your…
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Family Photos

Family Photos: 5 Rules of Dad Photography

We have four kids, ranging in age from 14 to 33, and they’re pretty well spread out when it comes to which “photo era” they grew up in. When the older two kids were little in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, we were still in the Film Age. Digital cameras were still in their…
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Love Your Team

Community – Love Your Team

Of course, you love your kid more than anything. Lord knows you would do anything for them at the drop of a hat. But, what happens when they need someone to count on besides their parents? They say it takes a village to raise a kid. Though this has a different meaning than it did when our…
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