
Ain’t to Proud to Dad

Ain't Too Proud To Dad

Everyones favorite question to be asked “What is your most embarrassing moment?” (insert eye roll here). 

Maybe its just me but I feel like since having a kid, embarrassment comes at a premium. In the time since my daughter has been born and even a few months prior, I have done things that my teenage self would have had nightmares over. Between changing diapers at a ballgame to rocking a bright pink bow on my wrist for hours without realizing it, I’ve grown to realize this is what being a dad looks like. 

Dad Pride

Being a dad comes with a sense of pride like I had not felt in the past. Sure I was proud of certain accomplishment growing up. Baseball tournament victories, the giant ramps we built in the driveway, and a load over things that don’t involve what I probably should have been doing. But none of those brought the same sense of pride as being trusted to care for another human. 

“Been There” Nod

Being a dad also came with this interesting new ability to spot other dads everywhere. It’s usually right around the time of a nuclear meltdown by the kids when you look around and get the “I’ve been there.” nod from an onlooking dad. There is something comforting in this simple nod that can bring your blood pressure back to earth. 

Girl Dads

Dads of girls are also a noticeable group men. Maybe it’s because having a little girl of our own makes us think about exactly how girls should be treated. Or maybe it’s the insane amount of glitter that has infiltrated its way into every crevas of our life. Either way, dads of girls, young or old just have a softer side to them that tends to be more outward facing in public. 

Comfort Zone

One thing I have noticed since being a dad is that guys who have not found their comfort zone in dadhood yet stand out like a jockey on a basketball court. Not to put anyone under an umbrella term but it does seem to be the younger dads. Maybe they weren’t ready to be a dad yet or maybe it is just less exposure to other dads. Either way this is a great opportunity to lead by example. No one is out here to win the “Dad of the Year” award. We are all on the field for the same common goal, to not raise an asshole kid. Well that and maybe a couple things, but overall being a dad is not a “us verse them” sport. This is an ongoing development league and we are all playmakers. 

Dad Bod

So how has this new lifestyle translated into other elements of your life? Well for starters you have probably gotten fatter. Maybe not a ton but I would venture to guess you’re carrying an extra 3-5 lbs. I’m pretty confident in this guess because that would place you in the vast majority. This is not necessarily your fault however. With each kid added to the household, your chances of gaining weight goes up a little higher. 

Dad Sized Confidence

This also translates into everyday life. There is a different confidence that comes along with being a dad. Sure there is the confidence we carry naturally from different things in our life, but this is different. This is a dad level of confidence. This will be a shock to some new dads who may not have had this feeling previously. Even for those dads who may have already thought they were they greatest thing since night baseball, you too are about to get a shock. Having a baby, at least initially, puts everyone on an even playing field. For some that is a boost for others it is a reality check. Take in whatever feeling you get from this new level of confidence and run with it. It’s a great time to be alive.

Overall let’s just make sure you’re giving as many “been there” nods as you’re getting. Keeping our sanity during public meltdown is a team effort. Use your new found confidence to the best of your abilities and always remember no matter what you are doing it will never look like you’re a crazy person if you’re doing it to entertain a kid. 


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